Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kick off Fall with Acupuncture in Walnut Creek

As summer fades, you may notice symptoms including respiratory illnesses, colds, constipation, dry skin, sinus infections, coughing, a sore throat, or other pesky problems. 

Acupuncture is a powerful form of preventative medicine and a seasonal tune-up will only take a session or two, barring any other conditions.
You’ll be prepared to face the change in weather and absorb nutrients for a healthy winter. It’s important to keep your body in synch with nature’s rhythms and seasonal acupuncture will also reduce stress, boost your connection to the environment, increase energy, and offer an overall sense of wellbeing.
Any imbalance that exists within you will be aggravated by the change in season. Releasing stagnation through treatments with a licensed acupuncturist will bolster your immune system, prevent sickness, keep flare-ups of chronic conditions under control, and ease you into the shift in energy. Your practitioner may focus on the lung and the large intestine meridians, which tend to take a hit in the fall, as a preemptive strike against common ailments. Targeting the meridians associated with digestion, breathing, and elimination will alleviate discomfort and symptoms, as well as any underlying root causes.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.