Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Depression
Acupuncture is a safe, affordable way to give your body a chance to heal itself. Depression is difficult and if you are suffering from depression it is likely you want relief yesterday, not in a month or two. Acupuncture is not going to take away the causes of depression, but acupuncture is likely to help you deal with life situations more effectively.
SSRI’s are effective with treating depression, but therapeutic effects of the medication may take weeks to be felt. Acupuncture can have an immediate impact on a depressed mood, sometimes even during the course of the first treatment. No, you are not likely to feel completely healed immediately, but acupuncture treatments can impact the body right away.
There are no known negative side effects to using acupuncture as a way to alleviate depression.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. It works on the principle of stimulating points in the body to correct imbalances in the flow of energy (Qi) through channels known as meridians. This belief is based on the interaction of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and having profound effects on internal organs, which are either yin or yang.
Traditional Chinese medicine also recognizes the mind and body interacting as one, meaning that emotions have a physiological effect on the body. Five emotions are represented by the five elements:
- Water (fear)
- Wood (anger)
- Fire (happiness)
- Earth (worry)
- Metal (grief)
In a comprehensive literature review appearing in a recent edition of CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, it was proved that acupuncture is comparable to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which psychologists commonly use to treat emotional disorder (Errington-Evans, 2011). Another study published in the Journal of Endocrinology in March 2013 discovered stress hormones were lower in rats after receiving electric acupuncture (Eshkevari, Permaul and Mulroney, 2013).
You’re going to be okay,we’re here to help.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process.
Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.
Acupuncture also promotes relaxation and decreases anxiety by deactivating the analytic brain and increasing serotonin levels.
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