“What Every Person Suffering From Anger
Ought To Know About Acupuncture and Way of Balance.”
When qi fails to flow freely in the Liver system, it is said to “stagnate.” The stagnation of the Liver will lead to irritability and anger. For some, anger will turn inward and manifest as depression. For others, anger can take the form of headaches and sensations of heat in the chest and head.
You can redirect that energy so it can add stamina and vitality to your life .
These methods are very simple and powerful to use daily.You will be delighted to discover how possible it is to be more balanced!
Spring offers us the opportunity to nourish our Liver systems and experience the feelings of relaxed well-being that a healthy Liver engenders. The Liver appreciates a moderate amount of sour foods. Adding a bit of lemon to your water or vinegar to your vegetables can help, but don’t go overboard as too much can also harm the Liver. Moving the body in ways that promote agility and fluidity also helps the Liver. Dance, yoga, playing with (or without) children, or long walks in a beautiful place are a few ways to bring looseness and ease into your body. Because the Liver is prone to stagnation and anger, making an effort to allow emotions to flow through you without repression, holding, or judgment is an excellent way to take care of your Liver. If we tend to our Liver, spring can be like the perfect morning, waking up in the fresh air with green outside and ease in your body and mind.
Anger consumes a huge amount of energy and deplete Liver system. Besides self-cultivation, Acupuncture treatment provide great support to balance your state and Liver system .
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at
May Love facilitate your healing process.
Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.
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