“What Every Person Coping with Irritability, Anger, Depression and Headaches
Ought To Know About Acupuncture and 24-hour cycle, Spring season in a healthy way.”
From the perspective of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), harmonizing with the nature of each season supports a person’s well-being. This is akin to following the 24-hour cycle in a healthy way: calm rising at dawn, alertness at midday, winding down in the evening, and sleeping at night. Everyone has experienced the unpleasant consequences of a crazy morning or a very late night. When we don’t do what is appropriate to a particular time of day, our bodies struggle to find balance. This is also true with the seasons, although the consequences can be slower to come to light.
Spring is taking hold, our bodies are moving towards the natural energies of spring. Spring is the season when the energy that was sent into the roots during winter reemerges and brings buds to the trees, softness to the earth, and amorousness to the heart.In TCM, spring is the season of the Liver. The element is wood, the color is green, the flavor is sour, the emotion is anger, and the sound is shouting. the Liver system in TCM is not the same as the liver in Western medicine. The TCM idea of the Liver is both the physical organ and a more conceptual system in the body. The Liver is responsible for the smooth movement of Qi in the body.
Anger consumes a huge amount of energy and deplete Liver system. You can redirect that energy by intake of a moderate amount of sour foods and moving the body towards the natural energies of Spring. ( Please read the detailed information in the previous blog ). Besides self-cultivation, Acupuncture treatment greatly balance your state and Liver system .
We’re here to help. If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process.
Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.
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