Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Cupping Therapy Detoxification (2)

“What Every Person Ought To Know About Cupping marks & Post Treatment Care”

When circulation is sluggish or compromised in an injured or diseased area of the body, the cells receive insufficient oxygen, and there can be a local build up of waste products. The deposits dissipate from a few hours up to several weeks, depending on the amount of stagnation and the patient’s post treatment activities. 
Usually, you will see the greatest amount of deposits being drawn to the surface in the first few treatments - this is a good thing. The deposits will lessen in intensity as the deeper issues are resolved and the stagnations and toxins have been dredged up and flushed out via the bodys' own circulatory systems, expulsion from the pores and sweat. Sweating and Drinking warm water are greats after treatment followup for you to help get rid of the garbage released.Although the marks look painful, they are not.
Patients usually feel an immediate sense of relief.
For four to six hours following a treatment you should avoid any strenuous activity, cold weather and unpleasantly hot environments. Cupping opens the pores and because of this the absorption of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols or essential oils will be aided. Drinking more water than is typically necessary following treatment is helpful for oxygenating cleansed tissues.

If you think that Cupping Therapy would  be beneficial for you, please call us at 925-949-8911 for your appointment.

May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

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