Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Feel Stuck ? Finding Happy and Healthy: Simultaneous Treatment of Mind and Body With Walnut Acupuncture

What do we do when we feel stuck in our lives? 
Where do we turn when we feel confused? 
How do we cope when we find ourselves lost and uncertain where to go?

For most people, an acupuncturist is not the first person they’d think to visit with these issues.
All healing is essentially a spiritual process. Classical Chinese medicine is a holistic system. Every part of the body is seen as linked to everything else. The mind always has an effect on the physical body. The body always has an effect on the mind. The spirit is seen to interpenetrate all: mind and body. I always find it fascinating how the ancient Chinese doctors described working with the mind and body together in very practical ways.
Depression, for example, can relate to a deficiency of blood, an extreme stagnation of functional energy, or phlegm accumulation in the lungs. Sometimes this occurs from an emotional shock or disappointment in the person’s life. In acupuncture treatment, the physical and humoral (blood and fluid) aspects of the body are always addressed, along with the emotional specifics.
Physical pain is usually the result of stagnation in the blood (or stagnation of “qi” functional energy) flow in the organs and body tissues. In addition to trauma and injury, blood and qi flow can also become stagnated through faulty thought processes and insufficient emotional expression. When treating any condition of the mind and body according to Chinese medicine both aspects of the human system must be addressed.
Anxiety is often attributed to inflammation in the body, or deficiency of blood and hormonal fluids. It can come about from anything that creates heat in the body – diet, lifestyle, the emotions or another physical disease.
Supporting happiness, animation and well-being is one of the best healing and preventative medical practices we can do.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

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