Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kick off Fall with Acupuncture in Walnut Creek

As summer fades, you may notice symptoms including respiratory illnesses, colds, constipation, dry skin, sinus infections, coughing, a sore throat, or other pesky problems. 

Acupuncture is a powerful form of preventative medicine and a seasonal tune-up will only take a session or two, barring any other conditions.
You’ll be prepared to face the change in weather and absorb nutrients for a healthy winter. It’s important to keep your body in synch with nature’s rhythms and seasonal acupuncture will also reduce stress, boost your connection to the environment, increase energy, and offer an overall sense of wellbeing.
Any imbalance that exists within you will be aggravated by the change in season. Releasing stagnation through treatments with a licensed acupuncturist will bolster your immune system, prevent sickness, keep flare-ups of chronic conditions under control, and ease you into the shift in energy. Your practitioner may focus on the lung and the large intestine meridians, which tend to take a hit in the fall, as a preemptive strike against common ailments. Targeting the meridians associated with digestion, breathing, and elimination will alleviate discomfort and symptoms, as well as any underlying root causes.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can Acupuncture Treatment Help Cancer Patients?

Can Acupuncture practiced for thousands of years be useful in the modern cancer care setting? 

The National Cancer Institute says YES! 

Acupuncture has demonstrated benefit to cancer patients in the following areas: Pain Management; Immune System Modulation; Inflammation; Nausea and Vomiting; Dry Painful Mouth and Throat; Sleep; Hot flashes.

By managing the side effects of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapies, reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep, supporting normal digestive function and reducing stress the quality of life of cancer patients is improved by acupuncture treatments. Eugene Mak, MD, a board certified oncologist states that acupuncture " can also add to the patients' sense of well being and decrease the malaise associated with any chronic disease, especially cancer....and imparts a sense of well being and accelerates patients' recovery."
Research on the use of acupuncture in the cancer care setting is ongoing. Investigations include the benefits of acupuncture to treat many cancer related symptoms including loss of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss, cough, bone pain, chest pain, dizziness, fatigue and anxiety and depression in cancer patients.
Acupuncture is recommended to cancer patients . Today, many oncologists refer their patients for acupuncture treatment to manage cancer symptoms and cancer treatment related symptoms. Many cancer treatment centers now have Licensed Acupuncturists on staff to help patients manage the many challenges of the cancer journey.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911

May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.
                     Reiki Master-level practitioner

Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Time is Heart time!

Learn Cultivation of Life in Walnut Creek Acupuncture!

Eating, drinking, and moving in accordance with the season can help guide your body back to its natural state of balance so that you can maintain good health .

Summertime is the season of the heart: it is the time of the hottest, most active time of year. Summer is associated with the fire element; for action, new adventures, and new relationships.The season of ultimate joy, summertime is a great time to reflect on whether your life, consider whether you activities fill you with joy, make positive changes, and find your passion.

The heart pumps oxygen and nutrients to our whole body through our blood, energizing our body and mind the same way that summer energizes us to move out of our comfort zone. Use that motivation! Exercise gets your blood moving and helps your heart energize your body and mind to get things done.  Get your blood moving and support your increased energy this season.
To find a focus between energy and calm, to avoid excess heat which can lead to agitation, insomnia, heartburn, and even mania. Meditation is a great way to calm the mind. Try taking a break to cool down inside with a meditation respite in the middle of the day. Sleep and wake according to the amount of daylight: wake a little earlier, stay up a little later, and consider takeing a nap during the hottest part of the day.
Avoid eating large meals and greasy, frozen (no iced drinks!), or sugary foods that easily cause indigestion in hot weather. Stick to small amounts of cool summer foods like cucumbers.but skip the greasy grilled meats. If you are prone to summertime indigestion, add some mung beans to your diet which prevent summertime indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.
Drink plenty of fluids to avoid that summer fire drying you out! Put some lemon, mint, or cucumber in your water or make some chilled (not iced!) chamomile or green tea to cool you down. As with every season, check in with your body. If you aren’t feeling healthy, your body should be giving you some indication: headaches, lethargy, insomnia, irritability, and over eating and drinking are just some of the signs of imbalance.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911

May Love facilitate your healing process. 
Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Feel Stuck ? Finding Happy and Healthy: Simultaneous Treatment of Mind and Body With Walnut Acupuncture

What do we do when we feel stuck in our lives? 
Where do we turn when we feel confused? 
How do we cope when we find ourselves lost and uncertain where to go?

For most people, an acupuncturist is not the first person they’d think to visit with these issues.
All healing is essentially a spiritual process. Classical Chinese medicine is a holistic system. Every part of the body is seen as linked to everything else. The mind always has an effect on the physical body. The body always has an effect on the mind. The spirit is seen to interpenetrate all: mind and body. I always find it fascinating how the ancient Chinese doctors described working with the mind and body together in very practical ways.
Depression, for example, can relate to a deficiency of blood, an extreme stagnation of functional energy, or phlegm accumulation in the lungs. Sometimes this occurs from an emotional shock or disappointment in the person’s life. In acupuncture treatment, the physical and humoral (blood and fluid) aspects of the body are always addressed, along with the emotional specifics.
Physical pain is usually the result of stagnation in the blood (or stagnation of “qi” functional energy) flow in the organs and body tissues. In addition to trauma and injury, blood and qi flow can also become stagnated through faulty thought processes and insufficient emotional expression. When treating any condition of the mind and body according to Chinese medicine both aspects of the human system must be addressed.
Anxiety is often attributed to inflammation in the body, or deficiency of blood and hormonal fluids. It can come about from anything that creates heat in the body – diet, lifestyle, the emotions or another physical disease.
Supporting happiness, animation and well-being is one of the best healing and preventative medical practices we can do.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Cupping Therapy Detoxification (2)

“What Every Person Ought To Know About Cupping marks & Post Treatment Care”

When circulation is sluggish or compromised in an injured or diseased area of the body, the cells receive insufficient oxygen, and there can be a local build up of waste products. The deposits dissipate from a few hours up to several weeks, depending on the amount of stagnation and the patient’s post treatment activities. 
Usually, you will see the greatest amount of deposits being drawn to the surface in the first few treatments - this is a good thing. The deposits will lessen in intensity as the deeper issues are resolved and the stagnations and toxins have been dredged up and flushed out via the bodys' own circulatory systems, expulsion from the pores and sweat. Sweating and Drinking warm water are greats after treatment followup for you to help get rid of the garbage released.Although the marks look painful, they are not.
Patients usually feel an immediate sense of relief.
For four to six hours following a treatment you should avoid any strenuous activity, cold weather and unpleasantly hot environments. Cupping opens the pores and because of this the absorption of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols or essential oils will be aided. Drinking more water than is typically necessary following treatment is helpful for oxygenating cleansed tissues.

If you think that Cupping Therapy would  be beneficial for you, please call us at 925-949-8911 for your appointment.

May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture treat Cellulite with Cupping therapy

Massage cupping is effective in treating cellulite. A light suction provides drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation and loosen adhesions.
What are the other benefits to Cupping Therapy?
Cupping is used by our practitioners to treat colds, gastro-intestinal disorders, 
lung diseases (especially chronic cough and asthma), lung infections, and problems in the internal organs.
It is also used to treat pain in muscles and joints, particularly on the back and paralysis. Cupping promotes local blood supply that will nourish the muscles and skin and allow toxins to be carried away.
Cupping has also been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins.
 If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cupping Therapy Detoxification in Walnut Creek Acupuncture

“What Every Person Ought To Know About Cupping marks prior to Cupping Therapy Detoxification

A word on Cupping marks
The most common misunderstanding regarding one of the most powerful and beneficial after effects of Cupping, is the marks that sometimes result.
When injuries occur deep in the muscle, bleeding often occurs causing deep bruises. There will also be edema in the area involving the coagulation of sticky proteins. The combining presence of these elements usually results in stagnation of circulation to the area - resulting in pain, dysfunction, and chronic conditions.
The vacuum formed by Cupping draws up the old non-circulating stagnant blood and sticky fluids from the area, bringing them up to the surface and away from the injury so that healthy free circulation can be restored to the affected area, thus creating space for oxygen, living cells and nutrients for faster recovery.
Where there is dead, static blood, lymph, cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and toxins present in the body, Cupping can leave marks which indicates that the stagnation or disease has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the surface.
In many countries - this is a non-issue, they've experienced themselves the amazing detoxifying effects suction therapy can provide. But in some industrialized countries, where Allopathic Medicine still over-shadows more holistic, natural approaches, these surface discolorations are misinterpreted as damage rather the result of debilitating agents being drawn to the surface. Westerners also live in an image conscience society that also has a heightened sensitivity to domestic abuse... so, without sufficient understanding, some people are unnerved upon seeing this important after effect.
Once people understand what these marks are, and feel the results - the concerns disappear.
The color and pattern of the marks depend on the level of stagnation in the area, and range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting 3 days to a week - sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary. If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a pink marking which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours.
If the person receiving treatment sweats a lot on a daily basis - no marks may ever occur.
People who live/work/play in toxic environments (or were exposed to a heavy dose of toxic material) may consistently mark.
The chemicals used in the pools that these althletes train and compete in for many hours every day is highly toxic. Cupping draws these toxins out of the body which would otherwise lead to stagnation, blood poison, pain and disfunction. Many althletes rely on cupping on a regular basis to detoxify and enhance their performance.
Sites where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple Cupping treatments to remove all stagnation. You will find in follow up treatments the marks will be progressively lighter as the pathogens are systemically removed from the body.
Those unfamiliar to Cupping Therapy, believe the Cupping marks to be bruises. In North American society bruising is considered an injury.

Often, when a condition exists within deeper structures where sufficient pathologic factors and stagnant fluids (toxins, blood and lymph) are dredged up during treatment, discoloration will appear on the epidermis. As treatments cumulate and the release of stagnation and buildup has been released, dispursed and drained – (sometimes quickly as the 2nd treatment) no discoloration is likely to occur at all - even though each time the cupping may have been focused on the same area, for the same duration, and with the same amount of suction.

This action is the result of having internal unwanted toxins systemically purged.
 If there is concern about leaving discolorations on clients is unwanted – then suction cup therapy is not for you.
And, there are simply people who will not want such marks - no matter how potent the health benefits. And, being uneducated about the marks (like the "significant other", and yes, even other health practitioners), upon seeing it on the skin can perceive it as bruising and become very concerned.
We are here to carefully screen, educate and support you in 
Cupping Therapy Detoxification.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Irritability, Anger, Depression and Headaches

“What Every Person Coping with Irritability, Anger, Depression and Headaches
Ought To Know About Acupuncture and 24-hour cycle, Spring season in a healthy way.”
From the perspective of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), harmonizing with the nature of each season supports a person’s well-being. This is akin to following the 24-hour cycle in a healthy way: calm rising at dawn, alertness at midday, winding down in the evening, and sleeping at night. Everyone has experienced the unpleasant consequences of a crazy morning or a very late night. When we don’t do what is appropriate to a particular time of day, our bodies struggle to find balance. This is also true with the seasons, although the consequences can be slower to come to light.
Spring is taking hold, our bodies are moving towards the natural energies of spring. Spring is the season when the energy that was sent into the roots during winter reemerges and brings buds to the trees, softness to the earth, and amorousness to the heart.In TCM, spring is the season of the Liver. The element is wood, the color is green, the flavor is sour, the emotion is anger, and the sound is shouting. the Liver system in TCM is not the same as the liver in Western medicine. The TCM idea of the Liver is both the physical organ and a more conceptual system in the body. The Liver is responsible for the smooth movement of Qi in the body.
Anger consumes a huge amount of energy and deplete Liver system. You can redirect that energy by intake of a moderate amount of sour foods and moving the body towards the natural energies of Spring. ( Please read the detailed information in the previous blog ). Besides self-cultivation, Acupuncture treatment greatly balance your state and Liver system .
We’re here to help. If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Springtime is Liver Time

“What Every Person Suffering From Anger
Ought To Know About Acupuncture and Way of Balance.”
When qi fails to flow freely in the Liver system, it is said to “stagnate.” The stagnation of the Liver will lead to irritability and anger. For some, anger will turn inward and manifest as depression. For others, anger can take the form of headaches and sensations of heat in the chest and head.
You can redirect that energy so it can add stamina and vitality to your life .
These methods are very simple and powerful to use daily.You will be delighted to discover how possible it is to be more balanced!
Spring offers us the opportunity to nourish our Liver systems and experience the feelings of relaxed well-being that a healthy Liver engenders. The Liver appreciates a moderate amount of sour foods. Adding a bit of lemon to your water or vinegar to your vegetables can help, but don’t go overboard as too much can also harm the Liver. Moving the body in ways that promote agility and fluidity also helps the Liver. Dance, yoga, playing with (or without) children, or long walks in a beautiful place are a few ways to bring looseness and ease into your body. Because the Liver is prone to stagnation and anger, making an effort to allow emotions to flow through you without repression, holding, or judgment is an excellent way to take care of your Liver. If we tend to our Liver, spring can be like the perfect morning, waking up in the fresh air with green outside and ease in your body and mind.
Anger consumes a huge amount of energy and deplete Liver system. Besides self-cultivation, Acupuncture treatment provide great support to balance your state and Liver system .
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Conditions And Disorders We Treat in Walnut Creek Acupuncture

Do you have any conditions in your body that you would like to resolve? 

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognize the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for most of the disorders listed below. 

Respiratory System
Common Cold
Sore Throat

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Acid Reflux

Psychiatric Disorders

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Low Back Pain   Osteoarthritis   
Tremors   Knee Pain and Weakness   
Arthritis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  
Fibromyalgia  Seizures

Headache, Migraine
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Facial (Bell’s) Palsy [first 3-6 months]
Weakness following Stroke
Intercostal Neuralgia
Frozen Shoulder/Shoulder Pain
Tennis Elbow

Peripheral Neuropathies
Mouth Disorders
Women’s Health
Menstrual Cramps
Excess Bleeding

Sexual Dysfunction

Cardiovascular Disorders

High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Irregular Heartbeat
Dizziness / Vertigo

Dermatologic Disorders

Allergic Reactions
Dry Skin

If you want to know if Acupuncture works for your condition, try it. 

please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911

We’re here to help.
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Allergies

Why not try acupuncture instead of remaining dependent on potentially harmful prescription medications?
If seeing your first robin or watching the crocus beginning to surface makes you cringe, you are likely one of the millions of people that suffer from spring allergies in Walnut Creek every year.
Western medicine admits that treatment with medication only manages symptoms; 
there is not a cure for allergies with traditional medication. pastedGraphic.pdf
Antihistamines including Zyrtec, Claritin, and Benadryl all can cause drowsiness and once the medication is stopped, symptoms resurface quickly if the allergen is still present.
Decongestants such as Sudafed, Afrin, or Claritin D can be used for a few days, but continual use can actually make symptoms worse. The side effects from decongestant use can include high blood pressure, insomnia or irritability. Combination medications that include both a decongestant and antihistamine are the most effective at treating chronic, seasonal allergies.
Bronchodilators are inhaled medications used to control asthma symptoms and remove mucous from the lungs. If overused, bronchodilators are potent drugs that can cause high blood pressure and rapid heart beats. Bronchodilators work by relaxing the muscle bands that constrict airflow, rapidly opening the airways and allowing breathing to improve.

Steroids (Flonase, Flovent, Nasonex) are also used for the treatment of severe allergies and side effects can include weight gain, high blood pressure, fluid retention, muscle weakness and diabetes. It may take one to two weeks of daily usage for steroids to become effective in the treatment of allergy symptoms.
Acupuncture relieves nasal congestion, watery eyes, itchy nose, and chronic nasal membrane inflammation.There is potential for allergies to be healed by the use of acupuncture.The goal of any allergy sufferer should be to take as little prescription medication as possible and still be free of allergy symptoms.
You’re going to be okay,we’re here to help.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Acupuncture Treatment For Allergies in Walnut Creek

“What Every Person Suffering From Allergies
Ought To Know About Acupuncture.”
“There’s a Natural, Safe, Effective, and Drug Free Alternative…”

Before you run to the pharmacy for the nearest decongestant, consider acupuncture for the treatment of allergy symptoms that can include runny nose, congestion and watery eyes.
Are western medicine treatments the best we have available to us for the treatment of allergies?
The answer is a resounding NO! Treating allergies with acupuncture has become more widely acceptable because acupuncture has had no known side effects.
Acupuncture relieves nasal congestion, watery eyes, itchy nose, and chronic nasal membrane inflammation by opening up energy channels and allowing the body’s own immune system to heal itself.
There is potential for allergies to be released by the use of acupuncture. The only way to learn how acupuncture will alleviate your allergies is to try a few sessions with a certified Walnut Creek Acupuncturist and see how you feel. The goal of any allergy sufferer should be to take as little prescription medication as possible and still be free of allergy symptoms.
You’re going to be okay,we’re here to help.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Depression

Walnut Creek Acupuncture for Depression
Acupuncture is a safe, affordable way to give your body a chance to heal itself. Depression is difficult and if you are suffering from depression it is likely you want relief yesterday, not in a month or two. Acupuncture is not going to take away the causes of depression, but acupuncture is likely to help you deal with life situations more effectively.
SSRI’s are effective with treating depression, but therapeutic effects of the medication may take weeks to be felt. Acupuncture can have an immediate impact on a depressed mood, sometimes even during the course of the first treatment. No, you are not likely to feel completely healed immediately, but acupuncture treatments can impact the body right away.
There are no known negative side effects to using acupuncture as a way to alleviate depression.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. It works on the principle of stimulating points in the body to correct imbalances in the flow of energy (Qi) through channels known as meridians. This belief is based on the interaction of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and having profound effects on internal organs, which are either yin or yang.
Traditional Chinese medicine also recognizes the mind and body interacting as one, meaning that emotions have a physiological effect on the body. Five emotions are represented by the five elements:
  • Water (fear)
  • Wood (anger)
  • Fire (happiness)
  • Earth (worry)
  • Metal (grief)
In a comprehensive literature review appearing in a recent edition of CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, it was proved that acupuncture is comparable to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which psychologists commonly use to treat emotional disorder (Errington-Evans, 2011). Another study published in the Journal of Endocrinology in March 2013 discovered stress hormones were lower in rats after receiving electric acupuncture (Eshkevari, Permaul and Mulroney, 2013). 
You’re going to be okay,we’re here to help.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process. 

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Acupuncture For Depression in Walnut Creek

“What Every Person Coping With Depression,
Ought To Know About Acupuncture.”

Depression is a sign that the body is not in balance. Life altering events such as the loss of a loved one, can cause the body to be in a constant state of stress. If stress is not managed, depression can manifest itself in many forms.

Symptoms of depression include:
  • A low mood throughout most of the day that is present from day to day with little change.
  • Clear, diminished interest in many activities that you once enjoyed or the feeling that “nothing is fun anymore”.
  • Significant weight gain or weight loss. Depressed people tend towards extremes and may either not eat due to a lack of interest or overeat as a way to find comfort.
  • Difficult sleeping, especially falling and staying asleep, or in the reverse, sleeping all of the time.
  • A marked decrease in energy levels. Depressed people may yawn excessively and appear as though they are never fully awake.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt that have no apparent root and are ongoing.
  • Indecisiveness, with a marked inability to concentrate.
Lower levels of depression can include any number of the above symptoms but with less severity. Before depression gets out of control, acupuncture can help to restore the body to its natural balance. Acupuncture can potentially ward off the need for prescription medications to treat depression.

You’re going to be okay, we’re here to help.
If you, or a loved one is in need of our services, please make an appointment on your first visit. call us at 925-949-8911
May Love facilitate your healing process.

Bless'ed Be!
Nico Bishop L.Ac.